Start your ASIC Application

Vestibulum ligula neque, pretium in finibus maximus, auctor eu felis. Morbi lobortis ipsum eget tellus gravida, et finibus.

About You

About your Institution

Request application form

Your request has been sent

What now?

An email will be sent to, which will contain the application form and all the information you need to apply.

1. Request application

2. Return completed application

3. ASIC to contact you to start the accreditation process

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International Accreditation Process

The process is straightforward, and we work with you to make sure that the inspection timeline disrupts your daily operation as little as possible.

The 3 stages of the international accreditation process

The continued success of the ASIC approach vindicates our long-held belief that quality assurance is about people and attitudes - that every box ticked, every metric measured, is meaningless without that focus. We have designed each stage to be as easy to understand as possible, integrating seamlessly into your existing quality assurance cycle.

Stage 1

Application & Review

A member of the Accreditation Committee will review the application and the documentation submitted. If the information provided is acceptable, a self-evaluation form (if applicable) will need to be completed ahead of moving onto Stage 2. If it is not, ASIC will issue guidance on how best to rectify any issues found, or advise on alternative options, (i.e. Candidacy).


To be paid on submission of application

Stage 2

Inspection Parts 1 & 2

The inspection phase is split into two parts, which usually take place during the same visit (carried out separately for new providers who may be awarded Interim). Inspectors will meet with staff and students, observe teaching, and examine the facilities and resources available. They will also discuss the business plan, mission, and vision for future development.


Inspection Fee + Inspector Fee

Stage 3


The Reporting Inspector will collate the application form, self-evaluation form, and the documents and notes from the site visit(s) and produce a written report. The report will record all ASIC Commendables conferred and any innovative practices noteworthy of comment. The report is usually submitted to the committee two weeks from the date of the inspection visit.



Decision & Award of Accreditation

Decision & Timeline

The report is submitted to the ASIC Accreditation Committee for review. (NB: the decision is the remit of the AC, ASIC inspectors/staff will be unable to declare the outcome). ASIC will communicate the outcome in writing, usually within two weeks following the submission of the report. Once the Annual Fee is paid, the institution then receives the Certificate, Final Report, and Welcome Pack.


Annual Fee is due upon Award

The fees vary depending on factors such as the type and size of institution. Please complete the International Accreditation Enquiry Form today, providing us with a few details, and we will get back to you within two working days with a proposal of fees. If required, we can also provide a personalised formal Proposal of Accreditation.

What happens during the inspection visit?

Inspection Part 1

Part 1 will focus on compliance with immigration regulations, the quality of management, student support, premises and facilities, health and safety, and available resources for the courses. The inspectors will need to examine procedural documentation, attendance recording systems, examples of marked work and feedback forms from students*, and statutory documentation, e.g. approvals from the local Ministry of Higher Education and fire regulations.

  • Procedural documentation
  • Quality manual
  • Staff/student handbooks
  • Attendance monitoring systems
  • Sample student feedback forms
  • Marked student assignments
  • Performance monitoring systems
  • Statutory documentation
  • Meetings with Management
  • Meetings with Head of Institution

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Inspection Part 2

The main focus at this stage is to review the evidence gathered so far and then assess the institution’s ability to uphold and maintain ASIC Standards. The inspector(s) carry out a detailed audit of systems, observation of teaching, and meetings with staff and students to gather their perspectives. (The exact format will depend upon the size, location, and type of institution, and we consult with the institution to work alongside their usual operation and timetable.) The visit will conclude with a final meeting with the Institution Head to present informal feedback. NB: the inspector(s) can not declare the outcome of the inspection.

  • Meet Head of Institution and CEO
  • Meet owners and Chair of Governors (if applicable)
  • Introductory meeting with all staff (if possible)
  • Tour of the premises
  • Detailed survey of the library/resource areas
  • Assess research facilities and research outputs
  • Assess IT provision
  • Assess laboratory and audio visual equipment
  • Visit the refreshment areas
  • Meet a representative group of staff (without senior managers present)
  • Observe teaching and/or training and work placement sessions
  • Meet a representative group(s) of students (without staff present)
  • Hold a final meeting with the Institution Head to give an informal report of findings

Dedicated to the continual improvement of education.

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